One of the biggest hot buttons in the Unites States today is our country’s immigration policy. Everyone has an opinion about it, and I would venture to guess that most people believe as I do that legal immigration is what our country was built upon, while illegal immigration is tearing it apart.

I’ve always been a great believer in “give me your tired and your poor, your humbled From: yearning to be free.”  Ellis Island saw nearly 12 million people pass into our country in the years between 1892 and 1954 in search of economic opportunity and the chance to live in a society where freedom of speech and religion is as valuable as the air we breathe.

I even have empathy for the illegal immigrants who come to this country to escape the dangers of drug trade, dictatorship and/or poverty.  I wish there were a way that we could take all of them in, but the sad fact is that we cannot.  More importantly, we should not.


The simple answer is that they take jobs away from legal Americans who pay taxes, and they put a huge strain on our country’s infrastructure.  One could argue that away, though, saying that they do the jobs no “real” American would want to take, and our infrastructure could use some shoring up anyway. 

Frankly, I don’t believe the first part — those jobs are the very ones our young people have traditionally taken. They are the jobs that taught the youth of the past the value ofFrom: hard work, loyalty and a job well done.  Today’s youth have not been given the same opportunity to learn those lessons, and the fact that they’ve never learned them is taking its toll on our society.

As for our infrastructure, it could use some shoring up, but the added strain all these extra people cause is speeding up the process. The sad fact is that our government can ill afford anything that hastens the need for road repairs, new schools, bigger jails, etc., yet it is being forced to fund these things with increasingly large chunks of change.

Still, some people would argue that, by allowing illegal immigrants to live here,  we are performing a greater social good.  We are allowing millions to improve their lives and the lives of their families. On a micro-economic scale, that statement would be true, but when you look at the big picture of macro-economics, the statement couldn’t be more false.

If you don’t believe me, take six minutes to watch the following video, which spelled out the problem better than anything I’ve seen, read or heard. For me, watching the video was a huge “aha!” moment that points out the issues behind the issues. No matter what your beliefs are concerning immigration, this video (given the unlikely name, “Immigration Gumballs” will have a profound effect on you.

Immigration Gumballs

To see the full, unedited 13 minute video, select the link below: